​Budapest is the 50th Most Liveable City in the World


Economist Intelligence Unit, one of the biggest companies providing forecasting and advisory services through research and analysis made a list of the world’s most liveable countries. Budapest got the 50th place on the list of 140 countries.

Cities Were Ranked Using 5 Categories
The institute used 5 categories to rank the cities: infrastructure, healthcare, stability, education and culture and environment. Australian Melbourne got the 1st place for the 4th year consecutively. Vienna has the 2nd place, which makes it the most liveable European city.

Australia and Canada Has Several Cities in the Top 10
Several other Australian, New-Zealander and Canadian cities are in the top 10: the 3rd place was won by Vancouver, which had been the most liveable city until 2011; and the 4th place by Toronto.

Helsinki Overtook Rome and London
With its 8th place Helsinki became the 2nd most liveable city in Europe, overtaking Rome, Dublin, Milano, London, Reykjavík and Manchester for example. Ranking 50th Budapest got a 5 places better position on the list compared to last year: it got 88.9 points from the maximum 100.

Moscow and Athens Got a Much Worse Place
Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sofia, Athens and Kiev got a much worse place on the list than last year. Damascus was pronounced the least liveable country: the Syrian capital got 50 points out of 100: it got a 28 percent worse place than 5 years ago.



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