مجموعة الخدمات العقارية الرائدة في بودابست
District 11 • 2 bedrooms • Size: 74 m2
Luxury apartment for rent.
The apartment is located on the inner Bartók Béla road, with a balcony overlooking Gárdonyi Square, one of the cultural districts of the Buda side.
74 sqm, 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom with sink, technical room, kitchen + complete furniture and kitchen utensils
The civilian apartment has been completely renovated: slag has been extracted, a new concrete foundation has been laid on which cherry wood parquet has been laid, wooden windows with 3 layers of noise-proof glass have been installed, all walls have been newly installed, the interior doors have been restored, the wall paints have been purchased from England (premium quality), the technical infrastructure is of course new (water, sewage, heating, gas pipes, electrical wiring, etc. ), custom made wooden kitchen furniture by a Hungarian kitchen studio, high quality technical appliances installed.
* تستند أسعار الإيجار إلى عقد إيجار لمدة 12 شهرًا بحد أدنى.
السعر باليورو تقريبي وتم احتسابه بمعدل 1 يورو = 399 فورنت هنغاري
الصور تمثيلية، وأي وصف يتم تقديمه أو الإشارة إليه في هذا الموقع يخضع للإتاحة، ولا تمثل عرضًا وقد يتم سحبها أو تعديلها بواسطة شركة تاور إنترناشيونال (Tower International Kft). (أو بواسطة مسؤول التشغيل) في أي وقت.