
Visegrádi utca Ref.: 138640 

Distrikt 13 • Studio • Größe: 25 m2


Apartment for rent in Visegrádi Street.

The 25 sqm apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a neat condominium with an elevator. The apartment has a room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, the windows of which face the corridor.

The apartment is furnished on the basic level, the kitchen has a mini fridge and an induction hob, and the bathroom has a top-loading washing machine.

Rent 210,000/month + utilities. The common cost is HUF 9,000, heating is provided by a gas convector, and hot water is provided by an electric boiler. You can move in from March 1 with a two-month deposit and a minimum 1-year contract. Smoking is prohibited in the entire house, pets are not allowed in the apartment.

  • Distrikt: 13
  • Studio
  • Größe: 25 m2
  • Etage: 2
  • Parkplatz: No
  • Blick: Straße
  • Möbliert: Nein
  • Aufzug: Nein
  • Klimatisiert: Nein
  • Miete:
  • 210.000 HUF
  • 520 EUR
  • Kontakt:
  • +3613540980

* Die Mietpreise basieren auf einem Mietvertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten.
Der Preis in EUR ist nur ein Hinweis, berechnet nach dem Kurs 1 EUR = 405 HUF
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