
Vigyazo Ferenc street Ref.: 7857 

Distrikt 5 • 2 Schlafzimmer • Größe: 76 m2


A beautifully restored listed building with many original features, located in the heart of the 5th district close to the river. 24 hour English speaking New York stlye concierge. Well appointed, fully equipped, high ceiling apartments with car parking availability.

This apartment has two bedrooms and a living room, it is on the second floor. The apartment is fully furnised and has very good public tarnsportation connections. The two most important underground lines are both only 10 minutes walk.

Walk along Dunakorzo (Danube Promenade) and enjoy the beautiful view of the Danube and the Castle Hill. In district 5 there are several hotels, most of them are luxury 5 star ones. They utilize the great location and the wonderful panorama of the river and the Buda Hills.

  • Distrikt: 5
  • Schlafzimmer: 2
  • Größe: 76 m2
  • Etage: 2
  • Parkplatz: No
  • Blick: Straße
  • Möbliert: Ja
  • Aufzug: Ja
  • Klimatisiert: Ja
  • Miete:
  • 466.000 HUF
  • 1.150 EUR
  • Kontakt:
  • +3613540980

* Die Mietpreise basieren auf einem Mietvertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten.
Der Preis in EUR ist nur ein Hinweis, berechnet nach dem Kurs 1 EUR = 405 HUF
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