Budapests führende Immobilien-Servicegruppe
Distrikt 2 • 6 Schlafzimmer • Größe: 301 m2
We offer for rent a newly renovated, spacious detached house with a beautiful garden, private tennis court and a separate indoor pool right next to a nature reserve.
It is located in the 2nd district of Budapest, on the border of Hűvösvölgy and Lipótmező in a quiet side-street.
The house was built in 1974, and most recently renovated in 2022.The heating, electrical and water systems were replaced; several new windows and doors were installed; the garden was re-lawned, and an automatic watering system installed. The tennis court and the swimming pool were renovated.
The house is economically heated by a newly installed Bosch condensing boiler and a fireplace supported by a heat-storage stove in the attic and split air-conditioning unit.
In the winter, the custom-built wood-burning fireplace can keep the house warm on its own, and the wood store is filled and ready for the first use.
The house is protected by a two-loop alarm system.
Transportation is good: trams 56 and 61 stop 180 m away, and Széll Kálmán Square is only 15 minutes away.
By car it takes 8 minutes to Budagyöngye, 13 minutes to Széll Kálmán Square and 14 minutes to Flórián Square.
For children, the American School is 9 minutes by car, the French School 7 minutes, the British International School 11 minutes.
Long-term lease for a minimum of 18 months, 2 months deposit and first month's rent.
* Die Mietpreise basieren auf einem Mietvertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten.
Der Preis in EUR ist nur ein Hinweis, berechnet nach dem Kurs 1 EUR = 405 HUF
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