723 Budapest Apartments for Rent Long Term • Page 1 of 25
723 Budapest Apartments for Rent Long Term • Page 1 of 25
Knowing the current market trends, we are ready to estimate a realistic rental fee of your Budapest apartment. Once you have asked for free valuation from our experts, you will receive a thorough assistance in the entire procedure. List it with Tower and we take professional photos of your Budapest flat free of charge.
Let us help to decide! It is one of the biggest determination that a property owner has to make. Do not wait, with the right agency, competition is not a problem. Experience, courage, persistence and professionalism is at your service. We are happy to provide you with a full market review and estimate a realistic sales value of your Budapest apartment.
* Rental prices are based on a minimum 12 months long term rental contract.
The EUR price is only indicative, calculated at the rate of 1 EUR = 399 HUF
The pictures are illustrative, any description made or referred on this Site are subject to availability,
do not constitute an offer and may be withdrawn or revised by Tower International Kft. (or by the operator) at any time.